Ralph Mueller

Ralph Muller
Muybridge Lecture
August 3rd, 1400 hrs

Dr. Müller is currently a Professor of Biomechanics at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology and heads the Laboratory for Bone Biomechanics at ETH Zürich in Switzerland. He studied electrical engineering at ETH Zürich, where he also received his doctoral degree. Subsequently, he was involved in the development of a compact desktop micro-tomographic imaging system that since has been commercialized and is now marketed worldwide. The research he has completed and is currently pursuing employs state-of-the-art biomechanical testing and simulation techniques as well as novel bioimaging and visualization strategies for musculoskeletal tissues. His approaches are now often used for precise phenotypic characterization in mammalian genetics, mechanobiology as well as tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. He is an author of over 500 peer-reviewed publications in international scientific journals and conference proceedings. His work has been cited over 30,000 times on Google Scholar with an h-index of 90. In 2015, he was elected to the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW) and the European Alliance for Medical and Biological Engineering and Science (EAMBES). In 2017, the European Research Council awarded him with a prestigious ERC Advanced Grant. He is a former President of the European Society of Biomechanics and the Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering and currently serves on the Board of the International Society of Bone Morphometry.


Stephen Bodkin

Stephan Bodkin
Clinical Biomechanics Award
August 4th, 1145 hrs

Stephan Bodkin is a current doctoral candidate within the Exercise and Sports Injury Laboratory at the University of Virginia. Stephan's primary research is directed towards functional consequences following musculoskeletal injury. Specifically, he is interested in the neurophysiological and biomechanical adaptations observed following ACL-Reconstruction and providing evidence-based recommendations to safely and effectively return individuals to activity. In addition to his research within the lab, Stephan is involved with teaching undergraduate courses of musculoskeletal anatomy and clinical biomechanics. Stephan is expected to defend his dissertation titled "Optimizing Early Healthcare Decision Making in ACL-Reconstructed Patients" and graduate from the University of Virginia in the spring of 2020.


Eng Kuan Moo

Eng Kuan Moo
Promising Scientist Award
August 4th, 1500 hrs

I am a trained scientist in biomedical engineering, interested in understanding the structure-composition-function relationships and cell-tissue interactions in soft connective tissues. I received my doctoral degree from the University of Malaya in 2014, and joined Dr. Walter Herzog's group as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Calgary in the same year. I answer my research questions through carefully designed in vitro, in situ and in vivo experiments and theoretical modelling. By understanding how mechanical forces are transduced through multi-scales to the cells, and how cells interact with the surrounding structural network in their native environment, I hope to apply this knowledge in the field of tissue engineering with the ultimate goal of bio- fabricating a viable and functional tissue substitute for patients who suffer from soft tissue injuries/diseases.


Adrian Lai

Adrian Lai
Carlo De Luca Emerging Scientist Award
August 4th, 1500hrs

Adrian Lai is a post-doctoral fellow in the Neuromuscular Mechanics Laboratory at Simon Fraser University. His research focuses on using sound engineering principles and techniques to answer fundamental and applied questions on the role of muscle function and neural drive to the muscles during whole-body movement. Dr Lai's research aims to link the fields of human physiology and whole-body mechanics through research in the coordination and mechanics underlying a muscle contraction, through to in-vivo muscle and joint dynamics and finally to whole-body system function; all across a broad spectrum of movement tasks. After obtaining undergraduate and master degrees in Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering in Sydney, Australia, he moved to Melbourne, where he earned his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering, before moving to the Kinesiology department at SFU. His work has been funded by the Australian Research Council, National Institutes of Health, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the National Center for Simulation in Rehabilitation Research."


David Winter Young Investigator Award Nominees


Giorgio Davico
Kevin Boldt
Antoine Falisse
Michael McGeehan
Ali Mohammadi
Baaba Otoo
Scott Uhlrich
Dylan Schmitz
Nicole Zaino
Jackie Zehr


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